How to Prevent People From Diving Under the Influence


This image is from an accident caused by a drunk driver.

There are too many car accidents that have put many people in danger and cost them their lives. These car accidents are called “accidents” for a reason. Some are out of your control and have no way of preventing them from happening. Car accidents caused by drunk drivers, however, are 100% preventable. Drunk driving is one of the top causes of death on our roadways which is a problem since it can be easily prevented. If you are attending a party or going somewhere that you know you will be drinking, have a plan. Whether it is bringing a friend that is a designated driver or calling a taxi, making this decision could be saving someone's life.  

Alcohol is a substance that reduces the function of the brain, reasoning, and muscle coordination. These are all essential functions that are very important for a person to have when operating a vehicle. According to NHTSA, people who consume alcohol experience reduced coordination, concentration, and memory. Driving under these circumstances puts not only the driver at risk, but also everyone else around them. 

Some drivers think that driving home after they have had one drink is totally fine, but even having a small amount of alcohol can affect their driving ability. According to NHTSA, “in 2019 there were 1,775 people killed in alcohol-related crashes where the driver had a BAC of only .01”. With a BAC as low as .01, you are still putting others at risk if you decide to get behind the wheel. Even after one drink it is known for people to experience a decline in their visual functions and difficulty performing multiple tasks at once. Not only are you putting other lives at risk, but you are also at risk of getting in trouble with the police if you were to get caught. Charges for being caught driving under the influence can range from a misdemeanor to a felony offense. This can include a suspension on your driver’s license, fines, probation, or even jail time. 

Drunk driving is a growing problem that continues to happen every day. The best way to stop it from happening is for the driver not to make the decision to drive in the first place. However, this way of preventing accidents is not effective. CDC states, "High-visibility saturation patrols consists of many police patrolling a specific area, usually at times and locations where alcohol-impaired driving crashes are more common.” This strategy can be used to help prevent accidents caused by drunk drivers. Drivers who plan to drink need to be more responsible and make better decisions such as simply planning a safe ride home before they start drinking. 


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